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      Ideal for everybody who wants to fill potential nutritional gaps, Nutrilite Foundational Trio with Nutrilite Daily provides a great broad foundation to help  keep you going1,2,3,4!


      What It Does For You

      • Covers a broad range of essential vitamins and minerals and protein from three plant sources.
      • To support your immune system provides vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, iron and selenium.1
      • To helps you be ready for whatever the day throws your way provides seven B-vitamins, iron and magnesium which support energy-yielding metabolism.2
      • Gives your eyes several nutrients of relevance for vision: vitamin A, riboflavin (B2), zinc and DHA.5.
      • Delivers omega-3 fatty acids which contributes to the normal function of the heart4
      • Three high-quality products in one tailored bundle

      Additionally, a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are of general importance.

      Why You Would Like It

      Imagine your body works like a bike:

      • Vitamins and minerals can be compared to the wheels, which support the bike as they allow body and mind to work smoothly.
      • The Nutrilite Daily is a daily multivitamin-multimineral food supplement containing 20 essential vitamins and minerals and botanical extracts to support multiple nutritional objectives by helping to fill potential gaps the daily diet.
      • Omega-3 fatty acids work like the oiled chain on a bike by supporting normal heart function4. However, they are known as ‘essential’ because we cannot produce them naturally in our body; we have to get them from our diet. A balanced diet including one-or-two portions of fish a week is ideal but, we understand, not always possible.
        Nutrilite Omega-3 Complex can help to supply the fatty acids that may be missing in the diet. The product contains as the two active omega -3 fatty acid components EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid). EPA and DHA support the normal function of the heart4.
      • Just as the frame is the basic construction of a bicycle, proteins are the body’s building blocks – they are frames for muscle and bone. Nutrilite™ All Plant Protein provides high-quality plant-based protein to ensure optimal daily intake to keep you moving3.

      Facts For You

      • 1 easy-to-swallow tablet of Nutrilite Daily is packed with vitamins, minerals and botanicals
      • All Plant Protein Powder provides high-quality protein, supplying balanced amounts of the nine essential amino acids.
      • One capsule of Nutrilite Omega-3 Complex provides approximately the same amount of omega-3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA) as would 28 g of salmon, tuna or sardines.
      • Our Foundational Trio provides a wide range of nutrients which work together to help keep you going! 1,2,3,4,

      1 Vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, iron and selenium support the normal function of the immune system.
      2 Thiamine (B1), biotin (B7), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), vitamin B6, vitamin B12, iron and magnesium contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism.
      3 Protein contributes to the maintenance of normal bones and muscle mass.
      4 EPA and DHA contribute to the normal function of the heart. The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250mg of EPA and DHA.
      5 Vitamin A, riboflavin (B2), zinc and DHA contribute to the maintenance of normal vision. DHA: The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250 mg of DHA..

      Additionally, a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are of general importance

      Nutritional value

      For more detailed information please visit:

      Nutrilite Omega-3 Complex
      Nutrilite All Plant Protein
      Nutrilite Daily